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1962/63 Fender Stratocaster replica

Our replica 1962/3 Strat has a slab Brazilian Rosewood fingerboard on a Maple neck and a three piece Alder body finished in aged nitro. The specifcation is exact to the period, aged parts from - Fender tremolo, Kluson tuners and a choice of boutique pickups - this one has Mark Foley's excellent vintage set

Body - two or three piece Alder, Ash or Sassafras body
Neck - one piece maple (rock, flame or Birdseye) with slab Brazilian Rosewood fingerboard or integrated Maple fingerboard
7.5" or 9" radiuses fretboard
Finish - choice of finish colour and amount of ageing
Hardware - choice of pick ups
Price - between £3,000 and £3,800
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