Whisky in the Jar
TDOGCustoms is finishing the single cut in whisky barrel tones....looking nice!
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Single Cut Korina Special
Just completed and ready to go to the spray shop a new all black korina custom single cut. One piece body and one piece neck with...
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Polishing the lightning
The Folgore Custom is almost to the point of having the hardware and electronics loaded.
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Staining and filling
Here a brown stain and then a yellow stain is applied with a gentle sand back between coats. Then a sealer coat is applied followed by...
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The Folgore goes to the spray shop
The fine detail work has been completed and the Folgore is to be finished in honey burst on the top and clear on the back and neck. other...
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Folgore pre carve point
So the neck is glued in and the top glued on. We use fish glue throughout the build. You can see the squeeze out around the top/body...
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Moving forward with the Folgore
The folgore includes a brass 22nd end fret to increase the space between the pickups for greater tone separation The folgore also is semi...
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realising the folgore
We are in the process of designing and building new in house designed guitar models. We are normally a one of commission service so this...
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Frets and refrets!
As we catch up and move back to both custom builds and developing our own projects, I thought it a good time to show what we have been up...
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Ibanez multi laminate replacement neck
So here are some images of how we hand built a replacement Ibanez neck with new customer requirements including a reversed headstock and...
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